Law Offices of Jeffrey W. Jensen 161 S. First Steet, Suite 200 Milwaukee, WI 53204
Jeffrey W. Jensen is a criminal defense lawyer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is also a criminal appeals lawyer in Wisconsin.
Legal Resources
This is a comprehensive library of legal materials pertaining to criminal law and to family law. Many of the materials may be downloaded in PDF format. These materials are offered for your use free-of-charge; however, you must understand that there is more to effective legal representation than merely reading the law. There is no substitute for the advice of an experienced lawyer.
The following legal resources are avaible:
1. Brief Catalogue. This section catalogues a comprehensive library of motions and briefs in criminal cases. They are not available for immediate download but they may ordered for delivery by email.
2. Criminal Law Forms. In this section you may view and download many common forms used in criminal cases in Wisconsin.
3. Criminal Motions and Briefs: This is a library of common motions and briefs that are filed in criminal cases.
4. Criminal Appeals Briefs. This is a large library of appellate briefs actually filed in criminal appeals. You may view them and download them. Each brief carries with it a brief explanation of the issues involved.
5. Family Law Forms. In this section you may view and download many common forms used throughout a divorce case in Wisconsin.
6. Criminal FALQ (frequently asked legal questions in criminal law). Persons charged with crimes tend to have similar questions about the process. If you have questions about your case you may be able to find the answer here.
7. Family FALQ (frequently asked legal questions in family cases) Again, if you are in the process of a divorce or other family law proceeding you may be able to find the answer to your question here.
8. Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Download a free copy of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Read a nutshell explanation of how to use the guidelines.
Federal Sentencing Guidelines
Download the United States Sentencing Guidelines Manual for free by clicking HERE.
This is the official sentencing guidelines manual that is used to calculate a defendant's sentencing guideline range in federal court.
The material on this site is a product of the Law Offices of Jeffrey W. Jensen. Unless otherwise noted it may be used for any legal purpose with attribution.